Constriction of pupil of left eye in response to entry of bright light in right eye.
The consensual response is a reflex response towards the intensity of light. When the right eye is exposed to the bright light, there is constriction of its pupil mediated by iris to regulate the amount of light entering the eye ball. However, at the same time, the pupil size of the left eye is also reduced to limit the amount of light entering the eye. This response of the left eye towards the exposure of the right eye for bright light is called consensual response.
The assurance of an umbrella species advantage a biological community is by an extensive variety of different species are ensured and in addition their natural surroundings. Umbrella species will be species chosen for settling on preservation related choices, commonly in light of the fact that ensuring these species in a roundabout way secures the numerous different species that make up the environmental group of its natural surroundings.
Insulin is very important. If there is excess sugar in the body, the pancreas releases insulin to take the sugar and transport it to other cells to make atp
Basophils are a special type of white blood cells that are produced in the bone marrow and their main role entails inducing and maintaining allergic conditions.
In staining, Basophils shows dark blue granules which contains histamine, heparin and peroxidase. In preparation of Schiff reagent ; magenta molecule ( Fuchsin dye ); gives a range of colors from magenta to purple. The stain cause nuclei to become blue, and glycogen and fungi to become magenta in color.
D) Chromosomes can align in metaphase I in multiple possible arrangements in a process called independent assortment.