PRICE Protect, Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate. for a fall. Disinfect if it is an abrasion and apply a topical antibiotic such as neosporin and cover with a bandaid but not too tight.
Hello! Your answer here is peers. During adolescence, teenagers often feel the need to be accepted and turn to their friends/classmates/etc. to fulfill this need.
Well puberty for girls typically passes between the time of 10-15. They get their period around 12 years old typically. Also periods are every month.
Which of Erikson's stages occurs in childhood and involves more challenges and developing more purposeful behavior?
• identity vs. identity confusion
• intimacy vs. isolation
• initiative vs. guilt
• generativity vs. stagnation
Answer: The stage of initiative vs. guilt.
The third stage of Erik Erikson's theory is the initiative versus guilt of psychosocial development.
In this stage children assert themselves more frequently. Children have tendencies are also sensitive to criticism or control in this stage too.