MERIWETHER LEWIS was the full name of the man who was in charge of the lewis and clark expedition and WILLIAM CLARK was the full name of his fellow explorer. M. Lewis was a captain
Clark was a lieutenant.
The Lewis and Clark Expedition began in 1804, when President Thomas Jefferson tasked Meriwether Lewis with exploring lands west of the Mississippi River that comprised the Louisiana Purchase. Lewis chose William Clark as his co-leader for the mission. The excursion lasted over two years: Along the way they confronted harsh weather, unforgiving terrain, treacherous waters, injuries, starvation, disease and both friendly and hostile Native Americans. Nevertheless, the approximately 8,000-mile journey was deemed a huge success and provided new geographic, ecological and social information about previously uncharted areas of North America
The correct answer is True
Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder in which a brain disorder makes it difficult to judge correctly about reality, to produce symbolic and abstract thoughts and to elaborate complex emotional responses.
Schizophrenia is not a multiple personality disorder. It is a chronic, complex disease that requires treatment for life.
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects approximately 1% of the world population. Usually, the disorder appears between late adolescence and early adulthood.
A surprise attack.
De Soto and his spanish men positioned themselves in the surrounding woods with the intent to ambush. When the natives arrived, they charged and attacked. Some of the Native Amercans were captured and kept as slaves.
individualization, purposeful expression of feelings, controlled emotional involvement, acceptance, non-judgmental attitude, client self-deter- mination, and confidentiality