Decentralization or decentralisation is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group.
The Correct Statement is the Second Statement. Effective speaker look consider the nature and the needs of audience and then decide the type of visual aid.
Multimedia slides are extremely useful, and often helps in various ways to deliver your message. There is no doubt in it.
However, you can't say multimedia slides are the "one best way" to present.
In certain cases, depending on the audience, you might not need and multimedia slide at all!
Maybe you'll just have to use your body language, act out a drama or even sing a song to convey the message to the audience.
And apart from that, it the times of technical failures, where you cannot use the computer or any electrical devices, you'll have to use traditional methods too.
Moreover, if the audience is not "tech-savvy" and are more of a traditional nature, then traditional or pen and paper based methods might just work out!
Answer: See explanation
1. Calculate the first year's net earnings under the cash basis of accounting, and the first year's net earnings under the accrual basis of accounting.
The first year's net earnings under the cash basis of accounting will be:
Service revenue = $23400
Less: Expenses = $14310
Net income = $9090
The first year's net earnings under the accrual basis of accounting will be:
Service revenue = $29500
Less: Expenses = $15500
Net income = $14000
2. Which basis of accounting (cash or accrual) provides more useful information for decision-makers?
It should be noted that the accrual basis of accounting gives decision makers more useful information. This is due to the fact that the decision makers will probably want to know the revenue and the expenses that were incurred for a particular period and every other necessary details.
Matrix organization structure
A matrix organizational structure is a work arrangement in which employees report to two or more supervisors rather than one line manager overseeing every project aspect. The reporting relationships are grid-like, with employees reporting to both product and functional managers. For example, an employee may have a direct manager they report to, plus one or more project managers they operate under.
The matrix organizational structure is useful when sharing skills across departments is necessary to complete a project.
Margin of Safety:
[(current sales - break even)/current sales] * 100
(12900-11094)/12900] *100
.14*100 = 14%