• how long it has been occurring
• if it gets worse at a particular point in the day
•Do you get chest pain, palpitations or ankle swelling?
•Does it come on or get worse when you lie flat?
•Does anything bring it on? For example, pollen, pets or medication?
•Do you smoke?
•Do you also have a cough, or bring up phlegm?
•How active are you usually?
•What’s your job or occupation?
•Is your breathlessness related to certain times at work?
•Do you have a history of heart, lung or thyroid disease or of anaemia?
•Have you made any changes in your life because of your shortness of breath?
•Do you feel worried or frightened, depressed or hopeless?
•What have you done to help you cope with the way you’re feeling?
•Does it come and go or is it there all the time?
•Is there any pattern to your breathlessness?
Giving 400 IU vitamin D per day to infants is recommended.
To avoid developing a vitamin D deficiency, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfed and partially breastfed infants be supplemented with 400 IU per day of vitamin D beginning in the first few days of life.The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all babies receive routine vitamin D supplementation (400 IU per day) due to decreased sunlight exposure and an increase in rickets. The babies who do need these supplements need them due to a lack of sufficient sunlight. Baby has very little exposure to sunlight.
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) flows through the four ventricles and then flows between the meninges in an area called the subarachnoid space. CSF cushions the brain and spinal cord against forceful blows distributes important substances and carries away waste products.
The correct answer is - osteoporosis
The 80 year old woman appears to have osteoporosis due to her brittle bones and decrease in stature.
To stay away from this condition, the multi year elderly person ought to keep up a sound way of life by eating right and working out, taking nutrients consistently, and guaranteeing that she gets heaps of calcium.
Impair the ability to perform flexion and adduction at the wrist