In an Internal Combustion Engine, the fuel is singed in the chamber or vessel. Example: Diesel or Petrol motor utilized as a part of Cars.
The internal engine has its vitality touched off in the barrel, as 99.9% of motors today. In an External Combustion Engine, the inner working fuel is not consumed. Here the liquid is being warmed from an outer source. The fuel is warmed and extended through the interior instrument of the motor bringing about work. Eg. Steam Turbine, Steam motor Trains. An outer burning case is a steam motor where the warming procedure is done in a kettle outside the motor.
In my estimation I would say C, I was leaning towards A, but I believe that would merely be "incomplete combustion." I hope this was semi-helpful!
Yes because you would have at least 3 car spaces
I think that the solar panel would work under a fluorescent or halogen light if the photons are being produced. These types of lights mimic sunlight so it would not work as good as the real thing but it could work. Just not be as powerful.
That was a lucky pick.
Twice each each lunar month, all year long, whenever the Moon,
Earth and Sun are aligned, the gravitational pull of the sun adds
to that of the moon causing maximum tides.
This is the setup at both New Moon and Full Moon. It doesn't matter
whether the Sun and Moon are both on the same side of the Earth,
or one on each side. As long as all three bodies are lined up, we
get the biggest tides.
These are called "spring tides", when there is the greatest difference
between high and low tide.
At First Quarter and Third Quarter, when the sun, Earth, and Moon form a
right angle, there is the least difference between high and low tide. Then
they're called "neap tides".