Fractions into Decimals-
15/5 = 3
Decimals into Fractions-
0.5 = 5/10
<h3>How to convert fractions into decimals and decimals into fractions ?</h3>
Place the decimal number above its place value to convert it to a fraction.
For instance, since the number six is in the tenths place in the fraction 0.6, we multiply it by 10 and get the comparable fraction 6/10.
Simplify the fraction if necessary.
The division is shown by the fractional bar between the "part" and the "whole."
By dividing the numerator by the denominator, any fractions can be transformed into decimals.
For instance, the fraction 45 denotes the ratio of 4 to 5, or 4/5.
By dividing 4 by 5, this fraction can be changed into a decimal.
Fractions into Decimals-
15/5 = 3
Decimals into Fractions-
0.5 = 5/10
To know more about fraction and decimal visit-