The phylum Echinodermata , which contains about 6000 species, gets its name from the Greek, literally meaning "spiny skin." Many echinoderms actually do have "spiny" skin, but others do not. This phylum exists exclusively in the sea, and cannot be found on land or in fresh water. All echinoderms have one thing in common: radial symmetry. This means that the creatures have appendages (or body construction) which point outward from the center of the body like the spokes on a bicycle wheel. Furthermore, these appendages usually occur in multiples of five, although there are a few exceptions. There are several well known members of this group, like sea stars and sea urchins. The radial symmetry is obvious in these creatures.
The transfer of antibodies from a mother to the fetus. This occurs naturally, and since it is the transfer of antibodies, it is passive immunity.
The CNS, or central nervous system is comprised of neurons, the cell units that form it. These cells, in turn, are formed by their cell bodies, the dendrites on them and the terminal ends of the axons, which are like the connectors, or roadways, for neurons. When viewed on a microscope, brain tissue, particularly, looks stained with two different colors: grey, or pinkisk, for the grey matter, and whiter for the white matter, which are the axons. This is basically why the two are called grey matter and white matter of the CNS.
So one difference between these two matters is the color they display when viewed. The second is the parts of the neuron that form the two; while the white matter is formed from the neuronal axons, the grey matter is formed by the dendrites, cell bodies and axonal terminals. A third differentiation is that most synaptic activity takes place in the grey matter, while most conduction of information from the cell bodies is performed by the axons.
Well, climate change is directly related to the environment. It effects everything around us, such as animals, plants, the ozone layer, different climates, etc.
Genes are located on chromosomes, which are large pieces of DNA contained in a eukaryotic cell's nucleus.