Polyhydroxyl alcohols
Whenever we have several C-OH bonds, we have a polyhydroxyl alcohol. For example, if we have just one alcohol group, that is, an R-OH group, then the naming is simple, say, we have EtOH, it's ethanol.
The problem becomes more complicated when we have several hydroxyl groups present in the alcohol. Let's say we have an ethane molecule and we replace the hydrogen atoms of carbon 1 and 2 with hydroxyl groups. In that case, we have 1,2-ethanediol. Similarly, we can have triols etc.
That said, we have poly (several) hydroxyl groups and we can generalize this to having polyhydroxyl alcohols.
Answer: Another useful feature of the periodic table is that most tables provide all the information you need to balance chemical reactions at a glance. The table tells each element's atomic number and usually its atomic weight. The typical charge of an element is indicated by its group.