1. Many varieties were available in alternative forms of a character
2. Varieties were available in pure from start please true that is produced the same type of generation after generation
3. Peace and normally self pollinated but self pollination could be prevented by removing corresponding a productive path main parts demons and female bad kapil's after flour and could as well be crossed
pollinated artificially
pancreatic lipase
Enzymes from pancreas involved in triacylglycerol digestion are called pancreatic lipases and they catalyze the partial hydrolysis of triglycerides into a mixture of free fatty acids and acylglycerols. After digestion of lipids, monoglycerides and fatty acids associate with bile salts and phopholipids to form micelles. Micelles are structures that are necessary for the transport the poorly soluble monoglycerides and fatty acids to the surface of the enterocyte. But, micelles cannot be absorbed by epithelial cell, only freely dissolved monoglycerides and fatty acids can. Free fatty acids and monogycerids can just diffuse across the plasma membrane because of their nonpolar nature.
Some absorption (e.g. for cholesterol) may be facilitated by specific transport proteins.
A comma splice is basically a comma fault which means- when two independent clauses are joined by a comma to make one complete sentence. And an independent clause is a clause that can stand alone as a sentence.
So, here in the passage- Option C is correct one.
Lady Liberty is a woman holding a torch, it represents freedom. This sentence can be successfully broken into two complete sentences. Like- Lady Liberty is a woman holding a torch. It represents freedom.
There are no terms just to let you know.