Our body is made up of bones and muscles. The basic structure of our body is known as cell. When many cells combine together then it is known as tissue. When may tissue are combine together it is known as organ. Organs combine to form Organ system. And organ systems form a body
Respect for persons
Belmont principles are guidelines that promote the protection and use of ethics with scientific research volunteers. In other words, these principles stipulate that researchers, when establishing research that needs the participation of human beings, treat them with ethical principles that promote their protection and safety, avoiding abuse and physical and psychological problems.
These principles are: Respect for people, Beneficence and Justice.
The principle Respect for people is what promotes the obligation of researchers to use the consent form, which must be signed by the volunteers claiming that they accept to participate in the research. In addition, this principle guarantees that volunteers will not be deceived and will be treated with courtesy and respect.
They are both eating disorders that deal with unhealthy measures of being afraid of gaining weight and having a deserted view of how their body looks, though people with anorexia tent to be skinnier then people with bulimia. People with Anorexia tent to eat very little or not eat at all. They become extremely skinny due to the malnourished and can become addicted to counting calories. While people with Bulimia might binge eat and later purge out the food, or excessive excessive to try to not gain any weight.
Answer:The sliding filament model of muscle contraction, put forward by Hugh Huxley and Jean Hanson in 1954, is 60 years old in 2014. Formulation of the model and subsequent proof was driven by the pioneering work of Hugh Huxley (1924–2013).