Scientific Notation Is Basically The Shorthand For Writing Numbers. Scientists Use It When They Want To Write Numbers That Are Very Big Or Very Small.
Extensive or inextinsive and either physical or chemical
I think it will carbon hope it helps
Active metals are those metals in the group 1 of the periodic table.
Electronegativity is the trend to atract electrons.
Active metals have few valence electron, because their last shell is of the kind ns^1 or ns^2
Then, these atoms do not trend to attract electrons. The most electronegative atomos are those who have 7 valence elecfrons; this is their last shell is of the kind ns^7, because when they attract one electron to its valence shell they will complete 8 electrons which is the most stable configuration.
Answer:Plate Tectonics : Different Plate Boundaries Create Different Landforms and ... Plate Boundary: CONVERGENT ... As the MORE DENSE oceanic plate (OP) subducts under ... Illustration of what is happening ... Two continental plates (CP) move away from each other ... Sea Floor spreading occurs at these mid-ocean ridges.