<span>Anthracite is also referred to as hard coal because it is so hard and pure. It is very hard and highly compacted with variety of coal that has submetallic luster. It has highest carbon content, the lowest impurities, and highest density of energy of all the coal deposits.</span>
trans-1,3-pentadiene is more stable than 1,4-pentadiene due to presence of a conjugated double bond.
H(hydrogenated pdt.) is same for both 1,4-pentadiene and 1,3-pentadiene as they both produce pentane after hydrogenation
H(diene) depends on stability of diene.
More stable a diene, lesser will be it's H(diene) value (more neagtive).
trans-1,3-pentadiene is more stable than 1,4-pentadiene due to presence of a conjugated double bond.
is higher (less negative) for trans-1,3-pentadiene
Answer: Hợp chất CTHH 0 °C 10 °C 20 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 70 °C
Actini(III) hydroxide Ac(OH)3 0,0022
Amonia NH3 1176 900 702 565 428 333 188
Amoni azua NH4N3 16 25,3 37,1
View 42 more rows
The predominant intermolecular force in the liquid state of each of these compounds:
ammonia (NH3)
methane (CH4)
and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3)
The types of intermolecular forces:
1.Hydrogen bonding: It is a weak electrostatic force of attraction that exists between the hydrogen atom and a highly electronegative atom like N,O,F.
2.Dipole-dipole interactions: They exist between the oppositely charged dipoles in a polar covalent molecule.
3. London dispersion forces exist between all the atoms and molecules.
NH3 ammonia consists of intermolecular H-bonding.
Methane has London dispersion forces.
Because both carbon and hydrogen has almost similar electronegativity values.
NF3 has dipole-dipole interactions due to the electronegativity variations between nitrogen and fluorine.
Oxidation half reaction is written as follows when using using reduction potential chart
example when using copper it is written as follows
CU2+ +2e- --> c(s) +0.34v
oxidasation is the loos of electron hence copper oxidation potential is as follows
cu (s) --> CU2+ +2e -0.34v