i don't get it , more info ?
The answer is D. The offspring will have no genetic differences from their parents.
Answer: Option A.
Polar ice cap in Antarctica.
Scientist drill ice cores from inside the polar ice cap in Antarctica to study variability of climate and differentiate that variability From global climate change. Each layer of the ice tells about weather and what the Earth was like when the first snow fell.
For example, Le grande says that as snow deposits into a growing glacier, the temperature of the air imprints on water molecules.
Icy layers hold particles,aerosols, sea salts, trace elements that were in the atmosphere before and they abide for thousands of years and provide evidence of past events.
I'm not certain on the reason it happens, but it can be lethal by stopping the heart from beating and, the lungs from contracting and expanding causing death by suffocation or cardiac arrest, also putting the body into shock.
Answer and explanation:
One of the unordered forms of the dying cell is necrosis.
Necrosis is caused by lesions that impede internal balance control: water and some ions, especially sodium and calcium, normally pumped out, flow freely into the swelling and rupturing cell. The necrosis rupture releases into the surrounding tissue cellular content, rich in proteases, enzymes that "cut" other proteins, and other toxic substances. In addition to direct toxicity to neighboring cells, the stroke generates substances that attract immune cells, causing an intense inflammatory reaction: some types of white blood cells, especially neutrophils and macrophages, converge to necrosis tissue and ingest dead cells. Inflammation, typical of necrosis, is important for limiting infections and removing cell debris, but white blood cell activity and secretions can also damage neighboring, sometimes devastating, normal tissues.