The ecological footprint is a method promoted by the Global Footprint Network to measure human demand on natural capital, i.e. the quantity of nature it takes to support people or an economy.[2][3][4] It tracks this demand through an ecological accounting system. The accounts contrast the biologically productive area people use for their consumption to the biologically productive area available within a region or the world (biocapacity, the productive area that can regenerate what people demand from nature). In short, it is a measure of human impact on the environment.
Footprint and biocapacity can be compared at the individual, regional, national or global scale. Both footprint and biocapacity change every year with number of people, per person consumption, efficiency of production, and productivity of ecosystems. At a global scale, footprint assessments show how big humanity's demand is compared to what Earth can renew. Global Footprint Network estimates that, as of 2014, humanity has been using natural capital 1.7 times as fast as Earth can renew it, which they describe as meaning humanity's ecological footprint corresponds to 1.7 planet Earths.[1][5]
Ecological footprint analysis is widely used around the world in support of sustainability assessments.[6] It enables people to measure and manage the use of resources throughout the economy and explore the sustainability of individual lifestyles, goods and services, organizations, industry sectors, neighborhoods, cities, regions and nations.[2]
whenever one turns the pages of a book, uses a pen to take notes, or raises one's hand, one's actions are made possible by the somatic nervous system.
The somatic nervous system, also known as the voluntary nervous system, is the area of the peripheral nervous system that controls skeletal (voluntary) muscles to control body movement. It also connects the organism to its environment by receiving external stimuli through the senses of sight, hearing, taste, and smell. In contrast to the autonomic nervous system, which functions largely independently of conscious control in innervating heart muscle and exocrine and endocrine glands, the somatic nervous system uses efferent motor nerves to govern voluntary actions like walking and smiling.
To learn more about the somatic nervous system here:-
The smell of freshly baked cookies -> olfactory receptors
A person whispering -> auditory receptors
A rainbow outside a window -> cones
Stinky garbage -> olfactory receptors
Night vision -> rods
A loud bang -> auditory receptors
Shapes in a room after the lights are turned off -> rods
The correct answer for this question is this one: C:"It provides support." There exists the same question with the same choices. The function of the cell structure that is labeled X is that it provides support.
The answer is (D). Creating more fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are formed by the compression of the dead matter of plants and animals within the crust of the Earth. The plants and animals that died due to some calamity millions of years ago got covered by the rocks and soil. The internal heat of the Earth and the pressure due to the weight of the rocks turned them into thick dark crude oil. This process is natural and time consuming. It is impossible to recreate this process by artificial means on a large scale to make more solid fuels.
Interestingly, mining of extra-terrestrial planets, moons and asteroids is an ongoing research and the means to do it are being prototypes in the research laboratories of NASA and other space organisations.