Usually making your own food or take out . . . In college it’s hard for me to make it my own sometimes
Your answer is COMPLETELY False
you would need to stay in your car because it's safer than trying to find help outside
<span>The words that best describes the process that causing the difference in temperature is : HomeoStatis
Homeostasis refer to our body's capability to maintain the state of equilibrium. As a form of defense mechanism , our body will always make an effort to maintain the condition of our body (such as its temperature and humidity) exactly as it is in our normal condition. If our body fail to do this, we might experience some organ system failure</span>
All living beings are made up of basic units called cells; for this reason it is said that the cell is the structural unit of living beings. In the cell, all the functions and chemical reactions necessary for life are carried out; in addition, it participates in the reproduction processes