That equation is Newton's universal law of gravitation. ... Any two masses exert equal-and-opposite gravitational forces on each other. If we drop a ball, the Earth exerts a gravitational force on the ball, but the ball exerts a gravitational force of the same magnitude (and in the opposite direction) on the Earth.
D. Cooler
The Sun's surface has a temperature ranging from 6 000 Kelvin, thus it is very hot. The radioactive reaction in the core of the Sun is a nuclear fusion reaction. This reaction ensures continuous release of high energy from the surface of the Sun.
But during the reaction, some parts becomes cooler than other parts on its surface. Which is due to the release of high amount of energy into space. The Sun's spot can be found in the cooler part of the Sun.
B = 2.5 10⁸ Pa
The volume modulus is defined by
B =
The negative fate is for the module to be positive since the volume change is negative
It is not necessary to reduce the volumes to the SI system, since they are both in the same units
B =
B = 2.5 10⁸ Pa
The eroded rock and soil materials that are transported downstream by a river are called its load. A river transports, or carries, its load in three different ways: in solution, in suspension, and in its bed load.
Mineral matter that has been dissolved from bedrock is carried in solution. Common minerals carried in solution by rivers include dissolved calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate. Most of a river’s solution load comes from groundwater seeping into the river. Before it reaches the stream,thegroundwaterhastraveledthroughfracturesinthebedrock, chemically eroding rock along the way.
When river water looks muddy, it is carrying rock material in suspension. Suspended material includes clay, silt, and fine sand. Although these suspended materials are heavier than water, the turbulence of the stream flow stirs them up and keeps them from sinking. Turbulence includes swirls and eddies that form in water as a result of friction between the stream and its channel. The faster a stream flows, the more turbulent and muddy it becomes. A rough or irregular channel also increases turbulence.
A river may also transport rock materials in its bed load. The bed load consists of sand, pebbles, and boulders that are too heavy to be carried in suspension. These heavier materials are moved along the streambed, especially during floods. Boulders and pebbles roll or slide along the river bed. Large sand grains are pushed along the bottom in a series of jumps and bounces.
The relative amounts of a river’s load that are carried in solution, in suspension, and in the bed load depend on the nature of the river, the climate, the type of bedrock, and the season of the year. As a general rule, most of the load carried by the world’s streams and rivers is carried in suspension. The size of a river’s suspended load increases with human land use. Road and building construction and removal of vegetation make it easier for rain to wash sediment into streams and rivers.