They should use the principle of shaping in order to incorporate a desired character in an individual because this shaping technique reshapes the personality of child by reinforcement of desired and good characters. Other principles such as Classical conditioning, Positive punishment
, Generalization
, Positive reinforcement and Observational learning can't be used by Karl and Elsa for their children due to their difference in function.
I believe it is<span> a life that is lived well.</span>
lab yow.....nsnsnss wag kau galit pasensya na ahaha
Answer: I have all F's. Is there a way to convince my teachers into helping me getting better grades? 18 Answers. Janine Rinker, Dev Ed math teacher, college tutor.
18 answers
4 votes:
You need to do the same thing I am telling my math students to do on a regular basis: figure ...
Do I have a reason to live if I get all Fs? - Quora
24 answers
Jan 1, 2018
What's it like to be a straight F student? - Quora
40 answers
Nov 23, 2017
You have straight F's in your grades you have 2 weeks ...
15 answers
Apr 20, 2019
I received 4 F's in my first semester of high school ...
29 answers
Oct 14, 2016
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1. Letter C is the correct answer.
2. Letter E is the correct answer.
Mercantilism was an economic system used by European powers from the 16th to the 18th centuries. This system was responsible for generating wealth to national powers while colonies were being strongly explored. According to the British theory of mercantilism, the colonies should be carefully controlled in order to support the metropole's needs. Thus, taxing colonial goods at a higher rate than the same goods produced in Britain was a mercantilist strategy found that served the home country's needs and harmed the colonial economy at the same time.