Crystal field splitting is the difference in energy between d orbitals of ligands. Crystal field splitting number is denoted by the capital Greek letter Δ. Crystal field splitting explains the difference in color between two similar metal-ligand complexes.
3 these are 5,6&7 are the significant
In thermodynamics, the triple point of a substance is the temperature and pressure at which the three phases of that substance coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium. It is that temperatureand pressure at which the sublimation curve, fusion curve and vaporisation curve meet.
Uranium-233- fission
Plutonium-239- fission
Plutonium-241- fission
Hydrogen-3 fusion
Hydrogen-1 fusion
Helium-3 fusion
In nuclear fission, heavy nuclear disintegrate into smaller nuclei when bombarded with particles such as neutrons. Fission reaction is common among nuclei having a high atomic number such as plutonium and uranium.
Fusion occurs between two light nuclei such as hydrogen or helium. It involves the combination of two lighter elements to give a heavier element with the release of tremendous amount of energy.