Answer:The atom being mostly empty space. A small number of alpha particles were deflected by large angles (> 4°) as they passed through the foil. There is a concentration of positive charge in the atom. Like charges repel, so the positive alpha particles were being repelled by positive charge
Uranium-233- fission
Plutonium-239- fission
Plutonium-241- fission
Hydrogen-3 fusion
Hydrogen-1 fusion
Helium-3 fusion
In nuclear fission, heavy nuclear disintegrate into smaller nuclei when bombarded with particles such as neutrons. Fission reaction is common among nuclei having a high atomic number such as plutonium and uranium.
Fusion occurs between two light nuclei such as hydrogen or helium. It involves the combination of two lighter elements to give a heavier element with the release of tremendous amount of energy.
On the periodic table, Magnesium has 2+ charge and Bromine has -1 charge.
You cross charges and get MgBr2