Since the atmospheric pressure at Mt Everest is constant, the process will take place at constant pressure and such process at constant pressure is called Isobaric process. Hope this helps!
An extensive property is a property that deals with the amount of a substance. An extensive property of marker ink would be the volume of the ink in the pen.
An intensive property is a property about the type of substance you're looking at. So, an intensive property of marker ink would be the color of the ink.
The atom is divisible particle and can be subdivided into smaller particles proton, neutron and electrons was not stated by John dalton.
The postulate of Dalton's atomic theory that atom is indivisible particle and can not be subdivided into smaller particles was later changed because atom can be divided into neutrons, protons and electrons.
The electron is subatomic particle that revolve around outside the nucleus and has negligible mass. It has a negative charge.
Symbol= e⁻
Mass= 9.10938356×10⁻³¹ Kg
It was discovered by j. j. Thomson in 1897 during the study of cathode ray properties.
Proton and neutron:
While neutron and proton are present inside the nucleus. Proton has positive charge while neutron is electrically neutral. Proton is discovered by Rutherford while neutron is discovered by James Chadwick in 1932.
Symbol of proton= P⁺
Symbol of neutron= n⁰
Mass of proton=1.672623×10⁻²⁷ Kg
Mass of neutron=1.674929×10⁻²⁷ Kg
All these three subatomic particles construct an atom. A neutral atom have equal number of proton and electron.
The volume is 3900cm^3 and the bricks density is 3900 ml
What an electron and a neutron have in common is that <u>each particle exists inside an atom,</u>
Atoms consist of three particles: protons (which are positively charged), electrons (which are negatively charged), and neutrons (which have no charge).