35. Making good lifestyle will prevent all disease.
Well, not all but you can avoid diseases that is caused of bad lifestyle. For example, you avoid smoking thus it is very least possibility that you can have lung cancer since you’re not using it. Same with alcoholic drink, you can have least probability to have kidney problem or any other related body issues. Lack of sleep also is one issue of bad lifestyle.
Thus, having good lifestyle gives you good health and away from diseases
The test includes four basic parameters: total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. ... However, these guidelines allow total and HDL cholesterol in the non-fasting specimen as these lipids are not much different in fasting and non-fasting specimens.
Is their a multiple choice ?
The answer to this is Isometric because these exercises are done in a static position.
D) Abstinence
The only way is to not have sex at all