The answer is: A.Position a worker to signal you when operating a vehicle in reverse gear without audible forward alarm
When operating vehicle in reverse gear, the operator cannot always see whether the worker who gives the signal able to see the moving vehicles or not.
Which is why an audible sound for moving vehicles is needed so the other workers could notify the location of your vehicles and avoid themselves from being crushed.
Fixed mindset
Mindset could be explained as an individual's psychological state which often transcends into how we perceive challenges, what we can do and what we can't. Usually the ability to solve a puzzle, face and conquer a challenge starts and ends with an individual's mindset as it is where either the strength to execute or depression to walkway is derived.
The growth mindset gives individuals who exhibit the trait the strength and morale to face challenges, instead of backing out without trying, they try to find ways of constantly improving at what seems difficult.
On the other hand, the fixed mindset which is what is exhibited by Leandro could be deemed as a rigid type of notion whereby an individual believes all he knows and all he can do are already fixed, hence anything aside those cannot be successfully executed this kind of individuals fail to try new challenges.
However, unlike exchanges, ATS has no members (ATS has "subscribers") and has no regulatory liability. An ATS can trade listed stocks like a stock exchange, but unlike a stock exchange, an ATS can also trade unlisted stocks (also known as OTC stocks) and fixed income securities such as bonds.
The main similarity between broker-dealer networks, alternative trading systems, and registered stock exchanges is that they are all some kind of market for buying and selling securities, either stocks or bonds.
What are alternative trading systems(ATS)?
An Alternative Trading System (ATS) is an SEC-regulated electronic trading system that matches orders between buyers and sellers of securities. ATS is not a domestic stock exchange. However, ATS can apply to the SEC to become a domestic stock exchange.
What is a registered stock exchange?
A registered stock exchange that has filed and approved a registration statement with the SEC. All major US stock exchanges are registered with the SEC under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
To know more about ATS and Registered stock exchange visit here:
a. True
Transformational leadership can be understood as a leadership style whose main objective is the motivation of employees. The transformational leader is the one who seeks to inspire employees through their own example and willingness to work, is the leader who assertively communicates with his team, seeking the autonomy of employees, building a relationship based on trust and increasing of creativity and organizational innovation.
This leadership style is a positive indicator of organizational performance and commitment because it is based on strengthening the organizational culture, where each employee has the possibility to contribute with innovative ideas in favor of the organization's objectives and goals, which creates a sense of greater appreciation and job satisfaction, greater motivation that increases the employee's creativity and productivity.
The correct answer is A. a PI project may be appropiate.
Benchmarking is a continuous and systematic process that makes a comparative evaluation of products or services in organizations that show best practices in a given area, with the aim of transferring knowledge of best practices and their application.
Benchmarking should not be confused with espionage or competition, so the concepts of best practices and area of interest should be very clear. In this sense, for the organization it becomes an appropriate process, since it allows you to know to what extent it may be convenient to consider the actions against the established norm.