Genes go from DNA to (m)RNA via transcription. Then, RNA is converted to protein via translation. For eg, the insulin hormone is a peptide hormine (peptide is basically protein) which comes from insulin mRNA which was the result of transcription of insulin gene in beta islet cells of pancreas.
Answer:One example of when I'm mostly misunderstood by other people are through "text messeges" (this may apply to others as well). Sometimes, no matter how detailed I can be when typing my messages, and also if I'm not even using shortcut words with it, it still aggrevates me often that some people can still misunderstand what I said! I can tell they've highly misunderstood my messege because of reasons such as "responding back with a totally unrelated topic", or obviously just asking me restate my message one more time.
The warm-up period before a workout allows the persons muscles to stretch out, and work up to the more intense workout, without hurting, tearing, or injuring. It increases heart rate, which loosens up joints, and increases blood flow to muscles, all which prevents the person from getting hurt.
The smoke exhaled by a person who smokes. Side stream smoke: Smoke from the lighted end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar, or tobacco burning in a hookah. This type of smoke has higher concentrations of nicotine and cancer-causing agents than mainstream smoke.