Religious and cultural heritages should be preserved and promoted. Religious tolerance needs to be developed and practiced more practicable ways. Prejudices like lingual, racial, regional, communal should be avoided. Mutual respect should be developed.
(Note on Australian culture) Western culture
How to balance action, narrative, and dialogue in your novel. Most of the time, we want to balance our scenes using dialogue, narrative and dialogue to engage readers at an emotional level and keep them hooked
How do you prove that the distance between one black dot and one white dot is one unit ? You don't, because it's false. If all black dots happen to be on the line and white dots on the line (and the rest of the plane is neither white nor black), there is no such pair.
On January 18, 1778, the English explorer Captain James Cook becomes the first European to discover the Hawaiian Islands when he sails past the island of Oahu.