is a person who benefits from something without expending effort or paying for it.
okk sweetspotmaster is the ............
sorry I don't know him can you tell me about him who is he?
B. $1,015,500 on Marc ; $756,500 for Estella
Marc has current salary of $110,000 with which he runs the household expenses. If Marc dies then there should be more insurance coverage because he is the only person who earns in the house. Estella is a house wife and insurance coverage for her is lower than Marc because he will still be able to continue his earning.
C. The buyer can rescind on the basis of mutual mistake.
Explanation: A bilateral mistake, also referred to as a mutual or common mistake, such mistake occurs when both parties are misinformed about the facts. A mistake of fact can lead to a requirement of a voided contract. This is the contract Will be nullified
rocesses often producea high variety of products/services and high-volume operations processes often produce a narrow variety of products/services. The design of any process should be governed by the volume and variety it is required to produce. Depending on those factors, processes will changeExplanation: