Force: Strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.
330 km
55*6= 330 km. An easy formula for this is multiplying time with speed.
330 kilometros
55 * 6 = 330 km. Una fórmula fácil para esto es multiplicar el tiempo por la velocidad.
Protons do not move out of the nucleus of atoms although they repel each other.
Remember that protons are particles with positive charge and they held together in the nucleus of the atom which is a tiny tiny region. As you know, like charges repel each other, which means that the protons exert a repulsion force.

Given that
d= 1.5 in ( 1 in = 0.0254 m)
d= 0.0381 m
P= 75 hp ( 1 hp = 745.7 W)
P= 55927.5 W
N= 1800 rpm
We know that power P is given as


T=296.85 N.m
The maximum shear stress is given as

We know that 1 MPa =0.145 ksi

Your list of choices is a very short list, and doesn't include any
correct explanation.
The mass of an atom is roughly the number of protons AND neutrons
in its nucleus, but the element only depends on how many protons are there.
Different atoms of the same element may have different numbers of
neutrons, so their masses are different. But they're the same element,
because they all have the same number of protons.