The branch of the social sciences that looks at all aspects of culture is anthropology. This is the study of humans and their behavior. It's mostly used to discover humans from thousands of years ago, but it is also still widely used today.
2. deforestation
Forestry can be defined as the art and science of creating, development, management, conservation and analysis of the living organisms such as plants, trees and woodlands existing in the forest. This is usually done so as to tap into the environmental benefits associated with the forests and to ensure the continuous existence of wildlife, plant growth and development.
Forest Management is a branch of forestry. The field of forest management typically deals with legal, administrative, financial, economical, technical and social aspects of a forest so as to facilitate the smooth running and operation of the forest reserve.
Hence, when an entire forest is cut down to build roads or buildings, it is called deforestation.
Most trench warfare battles took place right before dawn.