The type of inversion is Paracentric inversion.
There are two types of inversion at the chromosome level, depending on the centromere:
Paracentric inversions:
the centromere is not included in the inversion.
Pericentric inversions:
The centromere is included in the inversion which can transform a metacentric chromosome into an acrocentric chromosome.
the structure that will form during synapsis is inversion loop.
These inversions are balanced rearrangements but at the moment of meiosis they cause difficulties in pairing. There is most often formation of a pairing loop. The occurrence of recombination in the inverted segment causes the formation of abnormal gametes by duplication / impairment.
It looks like a black praying mantis...
1) The answer is <span>bluegreen algae
Bluegreen algae or cyanobacteria <span>are thought to have started life on earth because they converted the atmosphere that didn't have a lot of oxygen, into an atosphere with enough oxygen to exist life. That </span>oxygen was a product of their photosynthesis.
2) The answer is lightning.
<span>By Primordial Soup Theory, life began as a result of the combination of chemicals from the atmosphere and lighning (a form of energy) to make amino acids. Aminoacids are necessary to build proteins, and proteins are necessary for all the organisms.</span>