So in order to add these two fractions they need to have the same denominator
So make them have the same denominator we need to find a common factor between the two numbers, 5 and 7
The first common factor between the two is 35
So we need to manipulate both fractions so both of their denominators are 35
In order to make into a fraction with the denominator of 35, the denominator must be multiplied by 7. And whatever is done to the bottom also needs to be done to the top
We need to multiply by which then makes this fraction
In order to make into a fraction with the denominator of 35, the denominator must be multiplied by 5. And whatever is done to the bottom also needs to be done to the top
We need to multiply by which then makes this fraction
Now that we have two fractions with the same denominator, we can add the fractions by adding their numerators: