Multiply as 7.86 and 4.6 ignoring the decimals for now. You get a solution of 36156.
You count how many decimal points are in the problem (2 from 7.86 and 1 from 4.6) and you put it in the answer by moving the decimal to the left the amount of decimals in the problem this leave the answer as 36.156</span></span>
Hi , you have to divide the numerator and the denominator , if you get a decimal you just have to move the period 2 spaces to the right.
For example
3/8 -0.375
0.375 - 37.5
it would be A and C
Step-by-step explanation:
I used photo math and it used C as its answer, but answer A simplifies to answer C therefore meaning they are both your answers! I hope this helped!
The answer is
For the area of circles, multiply
