Because there are more interesting people on the islands who are different than people in World State. He's jealous because he's able to "escape" and explore places where there's more diversity.
National Security Council
- Connections among people that are used for sharing information, knowledge, feelings, and experiences.
- Social ties can be weak, strong, or latent based on the extent of exchanges and interactions between two nodes.
- Specifically, social ties of individuals are multidimensional, maintaining a large portfolio of different types of (in)formal, professional, or romantic ties.
- Individuals that share office space hardly will mutually exchange e-mails but will resort to communication in person.
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According to protagoras, the most practical course for most of us <u>"involves behaving in a conventional way."
Protagoras is best known for his proclamation: "Man is the measure of all things." He prevented the presence from claiming target truth and qualities, supplanted reality with appearance, and diminished truth to a matter of person's translation and point of view (perspectivism). Truth turned out to be in this way in respect to a gathering of individuals and people (relativism).