Four year colleges and universities accept transcript records from community and technical colleges. This way a person can go to a small community college and transfer after 2 years. The correct answer is A.
Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's position. Definitions of empathy encompass a broad range of emotional states.
They were going from Europe to North America
The <em>concept of scarcity</em> states that there will be a deficit regarding the supply of a certain good in comparison the demand for it. Therefore, a state budget must revise its current state knowing that there will always be some players who will lose benefits in the attempt of shifting the assignment of resources.
The <em>marginal analysis</em> is an examination of the additional benefits a certain activity gets compared to a number of additional resources assigned to it. It helps the state government have a better view of where to allocate resources. As there are sectors that will probably gain more benefits than others with the same assigning of resources. The key to this analysis is to now the best amount to allocate to each sector in order to get the maximum efficiency of the budget.