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Nucleotides are A & T and G&C you see in DNA and in RNA T is Replaced by U. The reason they must be balanced between G&C and T&A is because G has to bond with A in DNA and G with C so if there is more G than C that means there is mismatches between the DNA nucleotides same thing for A and T. In RNA you follow the same rule. If we have lets say 27% of our DNA as A we have to have 27% as T leaving 23% as C and 23% as G. If there was lets say 29% T while one 27% A then there was a error in DNA replication and could lead to errors in RNA synthesis if not corrected
El sistema inmune innato se compone principalmente de barreras físicas, como la piel y las membranas mucosas, barreras químicas, a través de la acción de péptidos antimicrobianos y especies reactivas de oxígeno [4], células inmunes innatas y mediadores solubles como el sistema del complemento, anticuerpos innatos
Digestion is the process of breakdown of the large food particles into the small substances and absorbed by the body. The digestive enzymes and digestive juices are required for the digestion.
The Marisol digestive system is not working although she swallow her food. This may affect her exercise as the cells are not able to get work. The food particles are not broken down and absorbed by the cells, This causes the energy deficiency in her cells and she is not able to do normal physical work properly.