DNA sequencing refers to the method which analyses the DNA and determines the sequence of nucleotide.
The Sanger method uses the same things used during the DNA replication process but an additional thing is also there called the dideoxynucleotides attached with fluorescent dye.
When thus ddNTP binds to the growing chain, then the replication process stops as ddNTP lacks the -OH group at 3'position.In the given question, since only 3 bands shows the result but one band does not it means that the florescent label has not been recognized as ddNTP label.
Thus, the problem lies in the florescent label and therefore option-1 is correct.
Causes of World War II :
1 The Failure of Peace Efforts.
2 The Rise of Fascism.
3 Formation of the Axis Coalition.
4 German Aggression in Europe.
5 The Worldwide Great Depression.
6 Mukden Incident and the Invasion of Manchuria (1931).
7 Japan invades China (1937).
8 Pearl Harbor and Simultaneous Invasions (early December 1941)
The answer is: The cognitive-mediational theory suggests that our emotions are determined by our appraisal of the stimulus while the facial feedback hypothesis does not.
To put it simply, The cognitive-meditational theory infers that the facial expression that we made could not influence the emotion that we felt.
The facial feedback hypothesis, on the other hand, believes that the expression that we made throughout the day could affect our emotions. (if we force ourself to smile throughout the day we will feel happier and handle our stress better)
A sentence that can be judged either true or false is called an judgemental sentence
Answer: D Mitosis is the process that allows ferns and fungi to create identical cells.