Transaction Manger
Transaction Manger
Transaction Manager is responsible for transaction between resources that are available. It works as interface to support remote access form other systems in Data base management system.
Causes of Stress
Being unhappy in your job.
Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility.
Working long hours.
Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-making process.
Working under dangerous conditions.
Being insecure about your chance for advancement or risk of termination.
event based and time based
OTP tokens come in two types: event-based (HOTP) and time-based (TOTP). Event-based OTP tokens generate new codes at the press of the button and the code is valid until it is used by the application. Time-based OTP tokens generate codes that are valid only for a certain amount of time (eg, 30 or 60 seconds), after which a new code must be generated