"A personal flexibility goal could be to walk 20 minutes a day. You can accomplish this goal by watching less TV. Yo can go with a friend. To know you reached your goal make a chart of your progress. Whether or not you are in maintenance or relapse"
Social components influencing addiction include, though not exhaustively, neighbourhood crime, availability of the substance, tolerance and acceptance of drug use and poor support from community and society in battling the problem [6].
What are the physiological effects of drugs?
They speed up messaging to and from the brain, making you feel more alert and confident. This can cause increased heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, reduced appetite, agitation and sleeplessness. In large amounts stimulants may cause anxiety, panic, seizures, stomach cramps and paranoia
How can your health triangle become unbalanced? Your health triangle is unbalance by not having one of the following: physical, mental, and social health. ... Describe three(3) characteristics of a healthy person.
You must know rour resting heart rate before you can calculate your target heart rate for exercise. Correct answer: B Resting heart rate is the number of times the heart beats per minute when te body is at rest. It is usually somewhere between 60 and 100 beats per minute for the average adult. In order to calculate the target heat rate, you should calculate heart rate reserve (HRR) which is resting heart rate subtracted from your maximum heart rate. Then you should m
ultiply your HRR by 0.7 (70 percent) and add your resting heart rate to this number and ultiply your HRR by 0.85 (85 percent) and add your resting heart rate to this number. This is the taregt zone.
Stork- a tall -long legged bird with a long heavy bill