C. a person who is in a monogamous relationship and has protected sex.
American Pain Society Quality of Care Committee, 1995
James Campbell addressed the American Pain Society urging that health care providers treat pain as the “fifth vital sign”. (American Pain Society Quality of Care Committee, 1995).
Wow this teacher is a pain but I’d suggest just look up the steps of the digestive system or look at a diagram. But as for the bread chicken and mayo, you can say something along the lines of how the protein (chicken) uses amino acids to repair the micro tears in muscle. The bread (carbs) is stored for SHORT-TERM energy and how the mayo (fat) is passed through the blood stream and is either used for energy loss or stored for future use.
I guess the answer is that Darren is doing his responsibility of making his new wife and child feel loved and so that they can like each other to make a better family..This is what I can come up with
Being a good communicator is important in <em>any</em> relationship because communication is key, since you're always "up to date" and on the clock. It is a way of trust and a way of believing. Trust plays an important role in a relationship, but a way of trust, is a way of communicating.
Communication: Communication is "an apparent answer to the painful divisions between self and other, private and public, and inner thought and outer world."