The eMAR is a electronic medication administration record which includes the information about the number of medicines and drugs. The system is linked with a bluetooth wireless technology which links the institutional pharmacies to the nursing stations, hospitals and homes. It is useful in tracking, re-ordering medications, and residential care by availing medicines.
It includes the information about the medication dosage, medication type, patient refill history, number of refills and prescription status.
They make smoking more costly.
If taxes are increased, that means people won't buy the product anymore as it's more costly.
No, not at all because a cracker is not another human being. However if this person ate another human than that then is cannabis. In the case of cannabis e colour or race does not matter in the consumer nor the person being eaten.Now if there is human in the cracker(which does not happen) than it would make them a cannibal without them or others knowing.