Low calorie(carbohydrates) things. Example: Instead of White bread they would need Whole Wheat bread and less major sugars like over doing it on pop and candy sometimes even simple veggies like corn or fruits like Strawberries because of their Natural sugars
You can party and have fun and get drunk and do drugs
F-How often you will exercise.
I-The amount of effort or work that must be invested in a specific exercise workout.
T-How long each individual session should last.
T-The type of exercise will you be doing
I hope this help
You can... Chronic Kidney Diseases doesn't't mess heavily with overall blood composition, neither does spread between people or is dangerous to donate. There are several instances where one may not donate blood; blood transmitted disease like HIV or Syphilis, or a clotting factor deficiency, which is hemophilia, which while not exactly anything to worry about bloodwise, is much more dangerous to the person donating it, as without proper equipment or medication, a patient can bleed out.