Decomposition is the example of a reaction in which hydrogen and oxygen are produced by running an electric current through water.
Decomposition of water through electrolysis of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas due an electric current passed through water. when an electric current is passed through water, oxygen gas is being produced at the anode and hydrogen gas is produced at the cathode.
Melting point is dependent on the intermolecular forces which means the bonds between the molecules of bromine as it is a simple molecular structure the intermolecular bonds of bromine are weak bcz they are weak vandervaal forces thats why Bromines melting point is low..In short when intermolecular bomds are weak the M.P is lower
All flowering is regulated by the integration of environmental cues into an internal sequence of processes. These processes regulate the ability of plant organs to produce and respond to an array of signals. The numerous regulatory switches permit precise control over the time of flowering.
Since HCl is a strong acid, it completely ionizes, and the pH of HCl in solution can be found from the concentration (molarity) of the H+ ions, by definition equal to 0.100 M. (The conjugate base of the acid, which is the chloride ion Cl–, would also have a concentration of 0.100 M.) The pH is thus –log(0.100) = 1.000.