Commercialism is when one benefits while the other gets no harm nor benefit.
Example: the Remora rides attached to bigger types of fish or shark and eat the remains of meals left behind from the organism they are attached to.
Parasitism is when benefits and the other is harmed.
Example: A tape worm feeds off the intestines and eat what the host eats, killing the host because they are deprived of nutrients.
Mutualism is when both benefit.
Example: when a bird is allowed to peck the food from a rhinos mouth to help the rhinos teeth and allows the birth food.
Significant digits are numbers that helps to present the precision of measurements calculations.
Numbers that do not contribute to the precision of a reading should not be counted as significant.
There are rules of assigning significant numbers:
- Leading or trailing zeros are insignificant and should only be counted as a place holder.
- All non-zero digits are significant
- Zeroes between non-zero digits are significant.
- Leading zeros in a decimal are significant before the number.
- All the numbers in a scientific notation are significant.