Most people who are younger or more susceptible to advertising should stay away from a credit card as they can make people feel like they have much more than they actually have. The worst part is credit card companies persuade people to go over what they can pay back in a month. Because they make money from interest. Now credit cards can be useful for those are poorer and can’t use a debit card because they go from paycheck to paycheck. And are just barely paying bills. But still most of those people will get buried in debt.
It was primarily an anti-Catholic, anti-immigration, populist and xenophobic. So they were against immigration.
I hope i'm not to late but i don't actually know the answer i'm honestly here to spread a positive comment.
(i don't even know if you still look at brainly but worth a shot)
Even tho I may not know you i'm positive your a good person wether its deep down inside or right on the surface and your amazing and deserve love!
<em>Liberalism is the belief that people should be as free as possible from government restraints.</em>
Hoped I helped:D
a CD fails to be a hit, stores discount it by 30%, and recording company lowers production by 50%
a CD fails to be a hit, stores discount it by 30%, and recording company lowers production by 50%