the best 3 are helthy,fake,junk
Blood pressure measurement in the legs is achieved with an appropriate-sized cuff, applied at the mid-thigh. From there you listen to the popliteal artery.The patient should be in the prone position.The bladder of the cuff is approximately 40% of the circumference of the
thigh, while the length is approximately about 75% to 80% of this circumference.
Over-the-counter medications
Over-the-counter medications might lead to potentially dangerous addictions if abused. Over the counter medicine is nonprescription medicine which purchased without a prescription from doctors. People tend to take medicine for aches, pains, and irritations. Too much consumption and without doctors consultant might lead to damage to the person body. Some people take non-prescripted medicine longer or in higher doses than the description suggests. It is better and safe to visit a doctor for a problem.
so that when there is contact between the players, they wont infect each other :)