Answer and explanation:
Proctor stops himself then changes his mind about not confessing because he wishes to save his life in order for him to enjoy life with his family and wants to see his kids growing up. In addition to this, he wants his kids to grow up at least with one living parent at their side since his wife had been exectued under Death Penalty before.
- Follow laws and stay out of illegal activities
- Pay all bills, taxes, etc.
- Have the proper paper work need in order to be a legal citizen
Griswold decision protected behavior in a marriage setting (D) The case involved a connectiut low which prohibited the use of contraceptives.Connecticut statute show it like a crime for a person to use drug to prevent conception, According to court woman who choice to have abortion was protected as private decision between woman and the doctor.
Chinese in Jamaica. Shortly after Emancipation, the English Plantation owners realized that the African descendants having been freed from slavery were reluctant to work on the sugar estate. Based on this realization, they decided to import Chinese and East Indians to work for them.