a. to provide a graphical user interface (GUI) and several capture filters
TcPDump is a command line tool used to capture packets. TcPDump is used to filter packets after a capture has been done. To control network interfaces, TcPDump need to be assigned root privileges. Data is represented in form of text
Wireshark provide a graphical user interface (GUI) and several capture filters. It is a graphical tool used in packet capture analysis. Data is represented in wireshark as text in boxes.
the main principles of DevOps are automation, continuous delivery, and fast reaction to feedback. You can find a more detailed explanation of DevOps pillars in the CAMS acronym: Culture represented by human communication, technical processes, and tools.
I believe your answer would be C, but that also falls under a VPN.
As the question points out, the signal strength diminishes (attenuates) as it travels farther from the source. Deploying a repeater at critical points throughout the building would boost the signal strength as it continues on its way.