China’s attempt to suppress the illegal opium trade , which had led to widespread addiction in China and was causing serious social and economic disruption.
The battle was fought in Trenton, New Jersey on Delaware river. In the night of 25th December, 1776.
Each law consists of a potential case followed by a prescribed verdict. The verdicts could be very harsh indeed, and Columbia University professor Marc van de Mieroop notes in his book "King Hammurabi of Babylon" (Blackwell Publishing, 2005) that the death penalty is listed as punishment no fewer than 30 times. It was the punishment given even for “the theft of temple or palace property or when a runaway slave
is given refuge,” van de Mieroop writes.
Furthermore, the punishments ordered were by no means uniform but rather depended on the social status of the accused and the accuser. The punishments were only “eye for an eye” if the two individuals involved were socially equal.
Women could not necessarily expect equal treatment either. One law reads, “if a finger has been pointed at a man’s wife because of some male but she has not been caught copulating with another male, she shall leap into the River for the sake of her husband,” (translation by H. Dieter Viel).
Answer and Explanation:
As science is something exact, specific and punctual, for this reason, I believe that science should be universal and not be affected by cultural values. This allows science to be unstoppable and to transcend physical and national barriers, providing improvements and improving systems everywhere on the planet. We have an example of the importance of a universal science right now, in the moment we are living in, as the worldwide collaboration to create vaccines against the coronavirus was essential to make these vaccines real in such a short time. If scientific collaboration took into account borders and cultural values, this victory would not have been achieved so soon.