The Life of Cameron the Carbon
What a view! Sunsets look beautiful when you’re all the way
up into the atmosphere. I’m having so much fun with my 2 oxygen friends. Life
is so simple when you are a carbon atom. Just floating around, bumping into
other atoms, jumping on clouds. Whoosh! Now life isn’t so boring anymore!
Inside of a plant, what fun! I feel very important, being used for photosynthesis
like this. Everything is very green-tinged. It must be the chlorophyll, or
maybe I’m just woozy from the sudden change of height. Hang on. Oh no! The
plant is being eaten by an animal! Goodbye cruel world….
Oh wait. I’m still here. The plant has gone, but now I’m
inside an antelope. This is very strange. I think I preferred it when I was jumping
on clouds.
This is the worst day of my life. I’m part of waste. Such a
loss of dignity. I bet my oxygen friends are laughing at me in the sky. At least
my life is more exciting now, if not slightly smellier. Here come the
microorganisms. Releasing lots of enzymes, making the waste decay. Maybe that’s
not such a bad thing. I quite like life inside a microorganism. I’m not the
biggest fan of being eaten by a tiny bug, but needs must.
I’m flying again! The microorganism respired and I’ve been released
from my prison of life on Earth! I believe I can fly……
I’m back with all my oxygen buddies in the atmosphere! I’ve
caught up with all the gossip, hung out the clouds and I’m almost myself again.
Hang on, its starting again, I’m being pulled back! Will I ever escape.....
The End