Let the letter
represent the length of the patio. From the question we already know that the relationship between the length and the width (
) of the patio are:

1. The relationship between the width and the length is linear because it involves only the power/exponent of 1. In other words,
is raised to the power 1 and
too is raised to the power of 1 in the equation
2. Because both the width and the length are in feet, when graphing this relationship, the appropriate units would be feet.
We may take 1 cm to be 1 ft in both the x and the y axes.
3. For this part a table has been attached.
As can be seen from the table, width of 2 ft gives us length to be -1 ft and that is an absurdity.
Width of 10 ft gives a length of 15 ft which does make sense and that is acceptable because we do not want a square patio and means width and length should not be the same. Same is the analysis for width of 50 feet. We get the length to be 95 feet. Again, the patio will not be a square but a rectangle as is the requirement.
Thus, for widths of 10 and 50 only is the Godari Family's patio possible from the given data and the given relationship between the length and the width.