A. Nature exists as a resource that should be preserved for future generations.
Deep ecology movement is an idea that all living organisms on the earth have right to live with their basic moral values. All organisms must be respected irrespective of their size, shape or other physical features. Natural resources are scarce and so they should not be wasted and must be saved for future generations.
Embryology: the study of similarities in embryos of organisms to find common connections
Developmental biology: the study of life cycles of organisms to find common
Molecular biology: the analysis and comparison of DNA to better understand relationships between species
comparative anatomy: the study of the anatomy of an organism to explain evolutionary similarity
Embryology can be described as the branch of biology in which studies about the sex cells, the process of fertilization and the development of the fetus or embryo are made. The similarities between the embryos show evolutionary history among different organisms.
Developmental biology can be described as the branch of biology in which studies are made about the processes of growth and developmental procedures about organisms. Organisms belonging to different groups can also show developmental similarities if they have a common ancestor.
Molecular biology is the branch of biology which is related to the study of life on molecular level. At this level, similarities between the genome of organisms can be checked for evolutionary histories.
Comparative anatomy: It is the branch of biology in which organisms are studies based on the similarities and differences in their structures.
Según el Sistema Internacional (SI), la frecuencia se mide en hercios (Hz), en honor a Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. Un hercio es la frecuencia de un suceso o fenómeno repetido por segundo. Así, un fenómeno con una frecuencia de dos hercios se repite dos veces por segundo.
my plan to be a cactus a plant basilica be sunlight and water with his basic fit my parents needs are met because every morning I will use for issaquah we'll go to the beach I will go to wait till you can feel it when my plant leaves will be somewhere I supposed to like not much heat but the heat is ok